by The Ski Club of International Journalists | Aug 17, 2023 | SCIJ News
Au revoir, Gérard, Le SCIJ a perdu un ami de longue date, un grand journaliste, un bon ami et un bon coéquipier. Gérard Leclerc est décédé le mardi 15 août dans un petit avion de tourisme qu’il pilotait en France. La cause de l’accident est en cours...
by The Ski Club of International Journalists | Aug 17, 2023 | SCIJ News
Goodbye, Gérard, SCIJ lost a long-time friend, a great journalist, a kind friend, and a good teammate. Gérard Leclerc, died on Tuesday, August 15th, in a small pleasure aircraft he was piloting in France. The cause is under investigation. crash of his plane. He...
by The Ski Club of International Journalists | Jun 1, 2022 | International Winter Meetings, SCIJ News
Le Comité international (CI) est très heureux d’annoncer que la 68e rencontre d’hiver du SCIJ aura lieu à Marble Mountain, à Terre-Neuve, au Canada du 12 au 19 mars 2023. Après avoir fait face aux impacts de la COVID et de l’industrie du tourisme en...
by The Ski Club of International Journalists | Jun 1, 2022 | International Winter Meetings, SCIJ News
The International Committee (IC) is very pleased to announce that the SCIJ 68th Winter meeting will occur in Marble Mountain, Newfoundland, in Canada from March 12 – 19th, 2023. After dealing with the impacts of COVID and the fallout on the tourism industry in...
by The Ski Club of International Journalists | Apr 12, 2022 | SCIJ News
Day 47 — The war in Ukraine rages on and there appears to be no imminent resolution in sight. The citizens of that country are embroiled in one of the largest scale conflicts since World War II. The ramifications are also having a significant impact on many...